Heading to the Great American Beer Festival

Yes I know that I have been neglecting the blog. I am just swamped with ramping up the new business for 2010. I am heading out the door to attend my first Great American Beer Festival. I will report back with photos.

Before I go, I wanted to let you all know that there are a few new beers on the shelves. The first one is Terrapin Depth Charge, which is a collaborative beer between Terrapin (Athens GA) and Left Hand (Colorado). It is a blend of the Left Hand Milk Stout and Terrapin Wake and Bake Coffee Oatmeal Stout. Folks, this is a great beer if you love stouts. Grab one while you can.

Stone Vertical Epic 090909 has also hit the shelves. I bought mine at Midtown Wine and Spirits, but I had to ask for it (they keep it in the back with a two bottle limit). This series is collectible, so hurry before they are gone. If you want my opinion, I thought this year's version is underwhelming. Gotta run!


1 comment:

The Beer Snob said...

Have fun....wish I was going!